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Technology Integration Plan - Rough Draft

Writer's picture: Kelbey McMathKelbey McMath

For my technology integration plan, I chose a project that I haven't done since my first year teaching because the technology aspect was challenging with our resources at the time. I have wanted to bring it back because I think it has potential to be a great lesson and the integration of technology into it can really transform the lesson help make it successful. Using the TIP model, I think this lesson can provide students with an opportunity for hands on history and allowing them to take the lead in their learning.

I am looking for specific feedback for these questions, but would love for general feedback as well.

1. Are there any areas in which I could combine technology to make it easier on the students?

2. What technology besides Google apps is available to allow students to work collaboratively and compile there research?

3. Is there anything that is not clear or is missing?

Thank you for any feedback!

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8 commentaires

Julie Hensel
Julie Hensel
06 juil. 2021

I love how you want to bring back an activity you did your first year of teaching! This plan is very clear and easy to understand. I like the document you made to display your plan. Also, great incorporation of the TIP model!

Kelbey McMath
Kelbey McMath
06 juil. 2021
En réponse à

Thank you!


Mary Janssen
Mary Janssen
06 juil. 2021

I thought your plan looked very well organized and easy to read. It sounds like you are introducing them to a lot of tools. I know you mentioned using Symbaloo to keep them organized; but are these tools the students have been exposed to before? Would they have time to practice using them before this lesson. i wasn't sure how long your class periods were since you mentioned having seven a day. Also, you mentioned a tool I am not familiar with, FlipSnack. What is that?

Kelbey McMath
Kelbey McMath
06 juil. 2021
En réponse à

Our class periods are 44 minutes, but I would envision this taking the better part of a week to complete. I should probably include that somewhere in there! Thanks for the feedback!

FlipSnack is a presentation tool similar to Canva. Students can create flip books or different types of presentations. It is a neat resource and worth checking out!


David Getz
David Getz
06 juil. 2021

Kelbey, I really like this plan and layout. A fun tech-tool to possibly incorporate could be Mentimeter. With this tool, you are able to open a "chat-room" of sorts for students to respond to open-ended questions in real time. For example, during the trial, students could be submitting questions to be answered at the end of the session or for homework due the next day. I've used this on several occasions to have my students respond in real time as we watch one of our concerts for reflection. Beside open-ended respones, Mentimeter also has different types and forms of questions that can keep students engaged.

Overall, this was pretty clear; I think you're off to a great start.

Kelbey McMath
Kelbey McMath
06 juil. 2021
En réponse à

That would be perfect to utilize. Thanks for recommending it! I really love that idea and would be very beneficial for assessing students as well. I will definitely check that out. I appreciate the feedback!


Laura Grimes
Laura Grimes
06 juil. 2021

This looks great! I completely understand the concern of overwhelming students with the number of apps to use, but I think Symbaloo could really help organize this and makes it less overwhelming for students.

Kelbey McMath
Kelbey McMath
06 juil. 2021
En réponse à

Thank you! Symbaloo is great for keeping everything together.

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