Using technology to solve problems of practice is one way to integrate technology in the disciplines. Planning for technology integration can also be tied to content standards. When doing so, it's important to put the standard before the tool. Ask yourself: What is the content or skill you want to teach? What learning experiences do you want to create for students? How can technology assist in these goals? This challenge is designed to help you continue to develop your thinking around technology integration in lesson design by focusing on the standards of your discipline. Follow the steps below to complete the challenge.

To Annotate
To consider another way we might thoughtfully integrate technology in our teaching, read the article Grounded Technology Integration and create at least two annotations and reply to at least two of your colleagues' annotations using (Again, make sure when you make these annotations that you have chosen to post them in our class annotation group: TCH 432 Summer 2021.) If you are annotating prior to your colleagues' posts, make sure to come back in a couple of days to engage in the conversation.

To Explore
Refamiliarize yourself with the ISTE Standards for Teachers and Students.
Learn more about the National Education Technology Plan (NETP) goals.

To Create
The disciplinary standards can be mapped onto the ISTE standards and NETP goals. In doing so, this can help you determine how to integrate technology into your teaching rather than making it an add-on. This challenge asks you to map your disciplinary standards with the technology standards and to consider how to meet the standards using the TPACK framework. Using a curriculum map template that foregrounds technologies, you will unpack a chosen grade-level or subject-specific set of standards (at least 6) for your chosen discipline (e.g. NGSS, CCSS, C3SS). You will align existing and newly imagined lessons, materials, technological tools and practices, along with ISTE standards and/or National Educational Technology Plan learning goals. To complete the challenge:
Find the content or grade level standards for your chosen academic discipline.
Map your curriculum. This template provides the areas you should include on your map. However, rather than using the word template, develop a visually pleasing digital map using Trello, Padlet, or a similar tool. As you create your map, consider issues of equitable learning and accessibility via Universal Design for Learning. Draw upon previous challenges and readings to inform your thinking.
Choose either the ISTE Student Standards or the National Educational Technology Plan and align those to the standards you have unpacked.
Create a blog post that includes a link to your curriculum map. Provide an additional reflection that discusses what you noticed by unpacking content standards and thinking about the lessons, materials, technology tools and practices that are called for in these disciplinary standards and technology standards and/or goals.. Be sure to tag it as a Curriculum Map post. Comment on at least two of your classmates' posts.