My "Five Finds" - Week 4
Find #1

I discovered Flipgrid's Twitter page and started following them.
Find #2

Flipgrid is offering a neat event on July 12th.
Find #3

Classcraft has a Twitter page! I'm hoping I can learn more about this tool through following them on social media.
Find #4

Padlet also has a Twitter page! I've enjoyed using Padlet with my students so I hope to discover new and exciting features they have to offer. I'm hoping I can also discover new ways to use Padlet with my students by following them on Twitter.
Find #5

Ok, Gimkit looks really cool. I cannot wait to learn more!
Find #6

Canva has a Twitter page! I would like to discover new features and ways to use it in the classroom.
Summary: I focused my finds this week on technology tools that I would like to learn more about. I would LOVE to use these tools in the classroom moving forwards. From completing my Technology Integration Plan and What's Next projects, I realized that I would like to stay current with what is new in educational technology. Following these companies on Twitter will allow me to discover new features and new ways to use the technology with students. From taking this class I learned how important it is to stay current with technology. Therefore, I made it a goal to do so by following more educational social media pages.