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Writer's pictureKelbey McMath

Week 4 - #F5F

This week I continued to interact more on Twitter with different people from several content areas. I enjoyed being able to being part of the discussion rather than just an observer. I was also able to find some great resources that will help me with my "What's Next?" plan as well!


Find #1 - My first find this week was a virtual conference on Adobe for Education. It stood out to me as I’ve seen so many cool things created with Adobe programs but I have no idea where to begin. With it being specific for your grade level and subject, I thought I could really benefit from it. I signed up for the conference and hope to gain some great ideas out of it at the end of the month.


Find #2 - I found this great instructional methods graphic on Twitter by Mia MacMeekin. I think it’s often easy to overlook ways in which we can have student led learning and this graphic served as a reminder on ways to do that. Just having this posted by my desk or accessible virtually could be a huge help in giving myself a reminder to try new things and try different things instead of the same old things. All of these could easily be applied to my curriculum which is awesome.


Find #3 - My third find came from Brian Aspinall. The tweet served as a great reflection piece for me as teacher. There are so many things I wish I could go back and tell myself that would have made my life easier and also a better teacher. But, that is part of the learning process. There was some great advice in the replies for new teachers and is something I would recommend everyone to look at. For new teachers, Twitter can be a great place to get some real advice and feedback.


Find #4 - I found a tweet from Kristin Lundstrum that recommended a book called Ungrading. This stood out to me as it is a concept that we had discussed in my assessments course. I have ordered the book and am looking forward to reading it over the next few weeks. The concept is interesting as students get so caught up in grades rather than the learning process. By focusing more on the feedback, both students and teachers can focus more on the skills.


Find #5 - My last find for this week came from Jen Giffen. She has some great resources for integrating technology into lessons. She posted a webinar called “Dynamic Student Learning: Projects That Go Beyond Traditional Assessment.” I’m always looking for new ways to do things so I am curious to learn about the different topics they are offering. They cover several different areas that look engaging and something that could be applied to my classes.

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Week 4 #F5F

Week 4 - #F5F

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