My "Five Finds" - Week 2
Find #1
While looking to continue to build my PLN, I started following more people, groups, and organizations. I like the idea of following more people on Twitter to help me stay informed, up-to-date, and to build connections with people in education.
Find #2
Wow! I was excited to follow the Google for Education Twitter page! I would like to keep up with the new technological tools that Google offers for educators and students.
Find #3
After finding the Google for Education Twitter page, I retweeted some of their cool posts. You can sign up for their newsletter and/or YouTube page to receive updated information. I also retweeted Google's #BeInternetAwesome free online game for children. This interactive and fun game helps educators teach students how to be confident and safe explorers of the online world. I played the game and would recommend it for elementary school students.
Find #4
I found the Office of Educational Technology (OET) Twitter page and started following them. This could definitely be a helpful resource for me.
Find #5
EdPuzzle - Holy moly! EdPuzzle looks cool! Teachers can turn YouTube videos into interactive assignments and lessons! You can also convert podcasts!
Summary: This week I realized that I am still trying to build my PLN and searching for experiential educational tech tools that would bring learning to the next level. Therefore, I continued to focus on these two areas. I was able to find professionals on Twitter that I can learn from! Also, I found some cool new tech tools that I think are VISUAL & INTERACTIVE.
Thought: I really like how teachers can stay up-to-date with technology via Twitter! Technology is always changing and Twitter posts can help educators discover new and changing classroom technology.