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F5F: Week 3 Twitter Finds

Writer's picture: Mary JanssenMary Janssen

Find #1: I found a weekly Twitter chat for special education that I have really enjoyed participating in the last couple of weeks and this last week we were discussing a new book that came out; "100 Way Your Child Can Learn Through Play". I didn't realize that I would actually be chatting with the author!!!! It was really surreal. It reminded me very much of that short video we watched on getting started with Twitter where the woman said, "Facebook is for people you know, and Twitter is for people you wish you knew". So true!

Find #2: After the Twitter chat, I purchased the book we were discussing at started reading it. I feel like it is perfect for me! A great fit for my personal and professional life. The target age group is children 3-6. I have a 1.5 and 4 year old at home and I will primarily be working with kindergarten and 1st grade students with IEPs next year. I felt very inspired after the chat and was happy to have a new book recommendation.

Find #3: I am excited and proud that I am successfully building my PLN. I am now up to 98 people that I follow, and they are all professional related. Most of them I have either met through ISU, work, former work positions, Twitter chats, and a few from recommendations from my administrator. I also am up to 65 follows and 150 tweets. I don't want to speak too soon, but I feel like I am starting to find my Twitter groove lol.

Find #4: I felt like I had a bit of a blonde moment when I realized this, but it dawned on me that I should start sharing all of the awesome projects we are creating for this class on Twitter. Many of them could be something that people in my PLN might find interesting or useful.

Find #5: During a Twitter chat I participated in, one of the questions was about people who have inspired us and supported us professionally, it was the first time I "tagged" someone or used their Twitter handle in a tweet. My principal sent me a text later and said that he appreciated the kind words.

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