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Technology Plan * in-progress


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2 comentarios

Bronco Meeks
Bronco Meeks
08 jul 2021

I think your lesson sounds great! I really like the idea of students getting hands on experience in your science class. I think keeping the plant in a bag makes sense to allow for the students to have the best possible visual. The use of Peardeck sounds like a good way to incorporate technology into the lesson.

One thing that came to my mind when reading your lesson was incorporating a time lapse camera. I have used this in my trades class to show our progress on our house as we build throughout the semester. This could be a fun way to give students a visual of what occurs even when they are not in the classroom. I know it…

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08 jul 2021

Wow! I really like that students will be doing a hands-on activity and at the same time learn with technology about the life cycle. You did a wonderful job of using Wixie to evaluate their comprehension because they are able to be creative and you are able to showcase their work. Instead of printing their drawings, you can use Book Creator ( in order for them to view them at anytime online. PearDeck works really well and it engages students in the presentation. You can also incorporate technology by having students create a blog showcasing the progress of their experiment through pictures.

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