F5F 1: The first thing I found this week that stood out to me was this post about technology and how it impacts shy/quiet students. it is important to remember that technology can give a voice to students that may struggle to participate otherwise, and that is something that can have a strong effect on their learning.

F5F 2: For my second find this week I watched a webinar through twitter hosted by the NCSS technology twitter account. It talked about the impact of technology in social studies and taking ideas from the Covid year and applying them to our everday teaching going forward. It is interesting to me because I think it is important to continue to reflect on what has worked during this time and what can still be used in the future.

F5F 3: I found and subscribed to Bethany Petty, who is a social studies teacher who focuses on technology. What I really liked about her is that she runs a blog and posts examples of technology lessons that have worked for her. She is someone I think I can certainly watch going forward and get some ideas from.

F5F 5: This quote is sad but I retweeted it because I felt it was important: in the recent past African Americans used unofficial guides when traveling through the South to know where it was safe to travel, eat, sleep, etc. This poster says that there are currently similar books that still exist except they are not digital to make the information easier to access. That makes me really sad, as I would hope texts like these would no longer be necessary. It shows that sometimes technology can even be life saving...

F5F 5: For my last find, I found a teacher that gave a presentation on how Fortnite could be incorporated into social studies lessons. I thought this was a really cool idea since Fortnite is obviously something that almost all of our students play, and it continues to be an example of how game-based learning could impact students in the classroom.
Summary: I think my biggest takeaway from this week was how different forms of technology can continue to influence social studies teaching: from Covid lesson plans, to life-saving guides, to bringing Fortnite into the classroom, all of these are different technologies that can influence learning. I think it also speaks to the diversity of learning that is out there: obviously these pieces of technology are all different, yet they are all making their own impact. It reminds me that there are a lot of different tools we can use with students to bring about their highest level of achievement.