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Disciplinary Software Analysis - Julie Hensel

Writer's picture: Julie HenselJulie Hensel

Challenge #2 Infographic


  1. Has your opinion changed? I have not changed my opinion on the BeepBox website. I still think it is an effective and redefining music education technology tool. Creating this infographic and answering the required questions helped me formulate strong opinions on this tool and why it is appropriate for students.

  2. Does it do what you want it to do after taking all these elements into consideration? BeepBox is a useful, accessible, and creative website that checks almost every box. The only box it does not check is a collaborative platform. In the future I plan to use BeepBox in combination with another tool that will allow my students to better communicate and collaborate with one another regarding their creations.

  3. Will you continue to use it in the manner you previously used it? I plan to continue to use BeepBox in the same way I have used it in the past with my music students. This challenge helped me realize just how valuable BeepBox can be!

  4. Will you make changes based upon your discoveries? After completing this challenge I have decided to add a communication opportunity to my BeepBox lesson plans. This will allow for my students to share creative ideas, have a voice, help one another, and give them an opportunity to feel heard.

  5. Will you abandon it?​ I will continue to take advantage of the many wonderful benefits of using BeepBox with my students.

Julie Hensel

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Nigel Range
Nigel Range
Jun 22, 2021

I'm going to have to look into this! Sounds like it'd be great for my music appreciation students.


Mary Janssen
Mary Janssen
Jun 22, 2021

This sounds like such a neat tool for students to use!!! I think it would help make students more confident in their abilities and excited to try new things. Very awesome.


Laura Grimes
Laura Grimes
Jun 17, 2021

Thanks for posting first! It's always nice to see how someone interprets an activity. I remember watching some students work on something for their music classes during homeroom and I believe it was on BeepBox so it is nice to learn more about it! I noticed that for both of our technologies, we were lacking for ways for students to communicate with each other. We use GoGuardian and I was hoping that I could use that chat feature to have students communicate with each other, but when I looked to see if that was possible, I see that only students and teacher can communicate. Hopefully more softwares add in more communication components soon!

Laura Grimes
Laura Grimes
Jun 17, 2021
Replying to

I also noticed that yours wasn't tagged as a Disciplinary Software Analysis post. It took me a bit to figure out how to do that, but I believe if you:

1. Click on the 3 dots in the upper right hand of your post

2. Select Edit Post

3. Click Post Settings in the upper right hand corner of the post

4. Select Categories

5. Click Disciplinary Software Analysis

6. Click Save & Publish

it will tag it and put all those posts under that tab in Blogs.


Monica Lynch
Monica Lynch
Jun 17, 2021

Julie, your infograph is nicely done! Your dissection of the information is easy for me to get the idea of BeepBox. BeepBox sounds like such a great tool for your student to engage with and use the skills they are learning in your class in a different manner. No only are they able to create and compose music but it sounds like they can really personalize it for themselves and their likes. I feel like a tool like this is very different from other subjects.

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