Hi everyone! I just finished my 8th year of teaching math. I currently teaching at Washington Community High School in Washington, IL. I currently live in Morton. I previously taught in Kenosha and DeForest, Wisconsin. I grew up in Washington and although I swore I would never come back, I could not be happier to be back!
I did my undergrad at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI.
I am also a certified yoga instructor. I love bringing yoga to both staff and students at my school. I also love to travel as much as possible. So far this summer, I've been able to make it to Southern California and Seattle. I am hoping to squeeze in a few more trips. I am so glad to be on the move again after the past year! I also have a dog named Sunshine, which is very fitting because he is such a ray of Sunshine. If he had it his way, we would do nothing other than walking or hiking all day. I am also excited that live music is making a comeback! I try to spend as much time outside as possible and my happy place is in my hammock with a cup of coffee and a good book.
I am looking forward to getting to know you all and learn from you all over the next four weeks!

Hi Laura!! 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
So cool to bring yoga into the classroom. I did a Donor's Choose project a few years back and have alternative seating, yoga ball chairs, for all of my students, but they really just sit in them. I do think it helps them "get the wiggles out" and stay more focused though.
Wow! You've made the most out of summer so far. I was proud of myself for making it to Colorado--but I agree, I'm happy to have time to get out of town again! Love that you use yoga in your teaching!
Hi Laura! Nice to see you in class again. Where else are you hoping to travel to this summer?
Hi Laura! I love that you incorporate yoga in your classroom. One of my summer goals is to join a yoga class. I’ve definitely need it after an overwhelming year.