Hello! My name is Eric Neuman and I teach social studies at Bloomington Junior High School. I just finished up my 7th year of sixth grade but will be moving to 8th grade for next year. During the Summer, I enjoy sleeping until noon, going to the gym, and getting into childish arguments with people over the internet while playing Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War.
I am currently finishing up my librarian certification and am using this class for the elective. Since many schools are transitioning librarians into something more of a tech coach, I wanted to take this class to give me a better idea of how technology affected different content areas so that I will be better-suited for helping teachers as a librarian down the road.
Enclosed is a picture of my dog, Brutus, in all his glory.

There are a lot of transitions happening at BJHS! I thought you already had your masters, so this makes sense. And technology is definitely a must for librarians these days!