Hello, my name is David Getz. I am the Orchestra Director at Morton High School in Morton, IL, just 30 miles west of Bloomington-Normal. I attended Illinois Wesleyan University and graduated with a degree in Music Education in 2012. I am teaching at my alma mater, and I have lived in Central Illinois my entire life. My duties at MHS include directing the high school orchestra (roughly 70 students), assisting in the middle school orchestra program (roughly 150 students), teaching music theory, music composition, and assistant coaching for the Cross Country team. In my spare time, I like to run, do anything outside, follow sports, and, most importantly, be creative. My creativity expresses itself through music composition, fiction writing, podcasting, and spreadsheets. My proudest creative accomplishment came in 2018 when I premiered my first full-length musical, “Ruth” in my hometown (check out the show’s website HERE). During the pandemic, I then began a podcast to narrate my creative journey (search “Feed The Lake” wherever you find your podcasts). I am excited to take this class as I thoroughly enjoy finding new ways to implement technology in my teaching and personal life. My wife, Lauren, and I have been married 7 years, and we currently live in Morton, IL with our two foster-children and dog, Jasper.

Inspired by "Hamilton," I performed a cold-open rap for my students to kick of the Spring 2016 semester.
So, so awesome!!!!! Very impressive.
I love the rap! This is quite a musical community this summer--you'll all have to collaborate and compose something for us :)
Hi David! That rap is awesome! It's great to see teachers doing things like that to engage the kids. It is so impressive you wrote a full length musical as well!
I am in Morton as well and actually know your wife! Nice to have a class with you!
First off - awesome rap! Very cool! It's great to see yet another music teacher in this course. It sounds like you've got a lot of things going on as well - a musical and podcast? Very cool!