¡Hola! My name is Anahí [ana-e] and I live in West Chicago, IL. I graduated with a bachelor's in Spanish with minors in Latino Studies and Sociology in 2019 and this May I finished my Master's in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics in Spanish. I will officially graduate in August because I am also completing a certification in Instructional Technology in World Languages. While completing my master's, I was a graduate teaching assistant, and it was one of the best experiences I've had. I taught a beginning Spanish course for four semesters at ISU. I love learning about languages and cultures because I want to connect and communicate with other people around the world. Learning about new technology apps that my students and I can utilize can make learning a language easier because we are able to make meaningful connections to our lives.

That is so amazing!!! Your students will be lucky to have you; you will be able to teach them on so many levels. 😊