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Weekly Agenda Resource Folder: This folder houses all of the weekly resources shared during our class time.


Slack: This will be our course communication system. Emails get lost in my inbox, and it's very likely my response will be delayed if you email me. Therefore, please use Slack for all communication with me. This also helps me track our communication in one place. You will also receive feedback via Slack.


Course Syllabus: As seen on our homepage, the syllabus outlines our course in detail along with grading and communication information. 


Course Calendar: While this can be seen as a fluid document, this calendar hopes to guide you throughout the semester in connection to the coursework. 


Milner Library: The 6th floor of Milner Library has a great collection of adolescent and young adult literature. You can also access the Metcalf Library through the Milner Card Catalog. 


Bloomington Public Library & Normal Public Library: These libraries also have great collections of books.


Google Drive: Any documents you upload to your portfolio should be linked through Google Docs or uploaded as a PDF. Please do not upload any Word documents.


YouTube: All videos should be uploaded to YouTube. Please do not list your videos as private. If you do not want others outside of class to see your video, set it as unlisted.

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