"You are a genius and the world needs your contribution."
`Angela Maiers
Genius Hour
Genius Hour BEFORE WE START Exercises
Before we start GENIUS HOUR, it's important that we understand what it is, how to do it, and what interests speak to you as potential projects. This week, you'll be responsible for completing the following tasks in preparation of Genius Hour:
Task #1: Understanding Genius Hour
Use the Symbaloo related to Genius Hour to answer the following questions in your READER RESPONSE section of your notebook. Label your Reader Response Notebook with the following:
the date
"Understanding Genius Hour" as the title
label each video you analyze with your notes
label your questions *This may take you a few pages in your notebook.
There are 28 sources on the Symbaloo. Choose at least 12 of them to analyze and interact with for this task - especially a few that speak specifically to the Genius Hour concept.
What is Genius Hour?
How does Genius Hour connect to personalized learning?
How might Genius Hour connect to skills beyond the classroom setting?
Take brief notes on your videos and then formulate the answers to the questions above. Use text evidence to support your answers. *You might be able to cite MORE THAN ONE video to answer the above questions. Use text evidence (videos) and your own thoughts to design your answers.
Task #2: Understanding YOUR Values, Interests, Personalities
Using your Genius Hour in-class folder, follow the directions and complete pages 4-7. These pages relate to your values, and personalities. Use your READER RESPONSE notebook section if you need additional space to complete your writings. As you think about what you've been viewing from Task #1, it's important to understand your values, interests, and personalities thoroughly. You have plenty of time to spend on this section - brainstorm multiple narratives for this section.
Task #3: Potential Ideas
Using your Genius Hour in-class folder, follow the directions and complete pages 8-9. These pages relate to some of your potential ideas for a Genius Hour project. Now that you have an idea of what it is, what your interests/personalities/values are at this point, and understand many of the projects from previous years, think about your potential project ideas. Many of the reasons why Genius Hour seems SO successful for students relates to the topic they choose to work with throughout the semester. Remember, you can choose ANYTHING to study - so, make it something that you're willing to spend a lot of time studying. ​
Task #4: Proposal Draft Writing
Using your Genius Hour in-class folder, follow the directions and mentor text on pages 10-13 to begin drafting your project proposal. Create a folder in your Google Drive Student Portfolio titled "Genius Hour" and house your proposal draft in this folder. Additionally, here are some thoughts to keep in mind:
Partners should be formed based on interest, not friendship.
Partners should also consider being in the matching Language Arts hours for communication and shared work responsibilities.
Just because you're drafting a proposal, doesn't mean you can't change your mind in January.
Use the following template to create a digital draft proposal.