Student-Driven Instruction
The Challenge
Develop a learning experience that uses technology to support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students.
The Details
Before you begin: Re-examine the ISTE Standards for Students. Select one that could DEEPEN a lesson that you have taught or plan to teach. Then, research digital tools that you have NEVER used before that can help students accomplish the selected standard. You can use our Resources page to get started, but chek your social media pages and Google to see what is new.
In the moment: From the tools you researched, select the tool that makes the most sense for your students and that you are likely to use more than once with your students (remember this should be a tool you have NEVER used). Design a learning experience that will position students as creators through technology. Then, using this tool, create an artifact that will serve as a model for students when they are completing their own projects (so in other words, you are completing the project as if you were the student in order to have an exemplar). As you are creating the artifact, make note of the goals students will need to set while completing the project. Create a plan that models how students can set and track these goals. What technology will you use to assist students? (Note, if this is a small part of a larger project, you can also include the other elements of the project into the plan.)
Complete the challenge: Create a Teacher as Facilitator post on your blog. Link your directions, artifact AND goal setting plan to this post. Then, compose a reflection that explores:
Why you’ve chosen this tool to accomplish your purpose. What was your experience with the tool? Would you use it again? (For this one, lets stick to a brand new to you tool--reach out to Dr. Falbe if you have questions about this).
How the tool helps you move along the Technology Integration Matrix, and how you are using it in light of the SAMR model
How the instruction around this artifact support students in engaging in one or more of the ISTE Standards for Students.
How this re-examined project is more student centered and helps you (the teacher) take the role of facilitator (refer back to the readings in the lesson).