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Girls in the Library

Literature Circle Book Options

Our first unit will focus on teaching literature though a literature circles approach. We will not, however, be using a traditional roles-based model. Instead, we will be exploring how to encourage students to engage in authentic conversations within and across books. Below, you will find the titles you will choose from.


Paradise on Fire by Jewell Parker Rhodes                                        Fast Pitch by Nic Stone











                                                                                                           One of the Good Ones by Maika Moulite and         

Each Tiny Spark by Pablo Cartaya                                                     Maritza Moulite











A Snake Falls to the Earth by Darcie Little Badger                      On the Hook by Francisco X Stork











Indivisible by Daniel Aleman                                                              Things We Couldn’t Say by Jay Cole      











                                                                                                                       Amira & Hamza: The War to Save the Worlds by              Walking in Two Worlds by Wab Kinew                                         Samira Ahmed











From a Whisper to a Rallying Cry: The Killing of Vincent Chin

and the Trial that Galvanized the Asian American Movement

by Paula Yoo




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