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Unit Guides

You will develop two unit guides you would implement in a middle level language arts classroom. You will create one unit guide that reflects the one-book-one-class approach and one that uses literature circles. These unit guides should incorporate strategies practiced throughout our semester and include reflections that justify your decision making as a professional. 



DÉTOURNEMENT (day-tour-nuh-mah) derives from France and means “to reroute or hijack.” In many examples, détournement offers a means to disrupt an existing narrative that might be constructed in the media to create a new message. These messages may offer additional truths on the subject, rethink the messages creators initially intended to send, or even unveil a new way of thinking about something. For this project, you will create a new text using an existing text in the media as a way to demonstrate how to help students become message creators rather than simply message consumers.


Weekly Tasks

Each week, you will be tasked with interacting with texts and ideas that will help you develop your understanding of teaching literature and texts in the ELA classroom. Strategies to guide these interactions will be outlined on the weekly pages found underneath each unit, as well as in class. Ongoing tasks such as the anchor activities we will engage with in the second half of the semester can also be found by going to the Weekly Tasks page.

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