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Week of April 4
Class Focus: Disruptive Inquiry: Asking Important Questions

Class Meeting Time: 5:30-8:20pm

What You NeedFind Layla


  • Anchor Experiences

  • Work on Unit Guide 2




















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For Next Class
Open Book
To Read
  1. Finish Find Layla

Doing Homework
To Do
  1. Finish your 2nd Anchor project. Post your project to your portfolio.

  2. If you are in the Interview Anchor next week, work with your group to develop interview questions.

  3. Continue working on next unit guide:

    1. Determine the driving question you want students to be able to answer after participating in this unit. Write one essential question that captures the spirit of the unit. Remember to make sure it's not one that is easy to answer or one that has only one answer. 

    2. What smaller questions will students need to explore in order to formulate an answer to the Essential Question? Compose 3-4 guiding questions that help students explore different aspects of the social issue and that help them consider multiple perspectives when considering the Essential Question.

    3. Write your objectives. What are your overarching objectives for this unit? Check out the Common Core Standards as one source of objectives. Add in other objectives that capture the spirit of the unit.

    4. Determine which is a better fit: A Racial Literacy Objective or a Community Literacy Objective. Write this objective. This objective should directly tie into your Essential Question and should focus on the broader racial or social issues you want your students to explore.

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