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Week of March 28
Class Focus: Disruptive Inquiry: Whole Class Reads Unit

Class Meeting Time: 5:30-8:20pm

What You NeedFind Layla


  • Find Layla Introduction

  • Anchor Experiences

  • Work on Unit Guide 2




















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For Next Class
Open Book
To Read
  1. FInd Layla: Saturday 8:30am through Saturday morning

Doing Homework
To Do
  1. Finish your 1st Anchor project. Post your project to your portfolio.

  2. If you are in the Interview Anchor next week, work with your group to develop interview questions.

  3. Begin working on next unit guide:

    1. Determine a social issue you want to focus this unit on. It should be a different one from last time.​

    2. Determine the grade level you want to design the unit for.

    3. Research and select a book that has been published in the last 5 years that you will design this unit around.

    4. Set up your unit guide shell. Once again, you may make a duplicate of my unit guide to start from.

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