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Week of March 21
Class Focus: Disrupting Media Messages

Class Meeting Time: 5:30-8:20pm

What you need: Détournement Planning Guide



  • Media Bias Discussion

  • Fresh Eyes Sketching

  • Work on Détournement Projects

  • Mid-Term Conferences


Ukraine Headlines

America can't afford to forget Zelensky's role in Trump's first impeachment

Biden spotted at the beach as Ukraine president puts leaders on notice

Amid new bombings, Ukraine now seen as a war of attrition


Critical Questions

  1. WHO are all the possible people who made choices that helped create this text?

  2. HOW was this text constructed and delivered/accessed to others?

  3. HOW could this text be understood differently by others?

  4. WHAT values, points of view, and ideas are represented or missing from this text?

  5. WHY was this text created and/or shared?

  6. WHO does this text advantage and/or disadvantage?

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DETOURNEMENT (day-tour-nuh-mah) derives from France and means “to reroute or hijack.” In many examples, detournement offers a means to disrupt an existing narrative that might be constructed in the media to create a new message.

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For Next Class
Open Book
To Read
  1. Find Layla: Through Friday at 6:00am (stop when you get to Saturday)

Doing Homework
To Do
  1. Finish your détournement projects. Post your project to your portfolio.

  2. Create a communication channel for your anchor group. You will be working together in different configurations over the next three weeks. If you are in group 1, you will need to work together this week to develop questions for Monday. I will meet with you before class ends to prepare you. Anchor groups:

    1. Ashley, Lili, Alison, Isabel, Zac, Kayla, Taylor, Julianna, Sara

    2. Emily, Melissa, Crystal, Lyndsey, Bode, Livi, Ally, Lauren, Abby

    3. Kathleen, Savannah, Keeley, Olivia, Emma, Nico, Diamond, Maddy

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