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Week of January 31
Class Focus: Introducing a Racialized Reader Response

Class Meeting Time: 5:30-8:20pm

What you need: Your literature circle book 





















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For Next Class
Open Book
To Read
  1. Chapter 4 of Letting Go of Literary Whiteness

  2. Second part of your literature circle book

    1. Identify three passages that stand out to you while reading this section​

    2. Write each passage on a separate notecard. Include the page numbers.

    3. On the back of the card, briefly state why the passage stood out to you.

Doing Homework
To Do
  1. Post your literature circle notes to your portfolio. Each member of the group should post the same set of notes.

  2. Complete your Padlet column if you did not have a chance to finish in class. Consider linking the Padlet to your portfolio for future reference.

  3. Continue working on your literature circle unit guide. The following should be completed:

    1. Create the unit guide frame. The simplest way to do this is to make a copy of our Unit 1 Guide. ​You may use the design I used, or you may design your own. Remember, the content of your guide is the most important!

    2. Determine a theme. What is the larger lesson you want your students to takeaway from the literature circle unit? For example, in our unit we are exploring identity formation. Once you have a larger theme, how can you narrow it down? ​Again, in our unit, we focus on how love and family shape our identities. Not sure where to start? Check out "A Huge List of Common Themes" for ideas.

    3. Name your unit. Use your theme to guide the title of your unit. Put this name on the first slide of your unit guide.

    4. Articulate why this unit is important. Students need to know why they are studying a unit. Write up why the theme is important for students to explore and put in on your Unit Overview slide.

    5. Develop an essential question and supporting guiding questions. What is the overarching question each activity and discussion will tie back to? What are the guiding questions that will help you answer the essential question. Put these on the Unit Overview slide.

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