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Week of April 11
Class Focus: Disruptive Inquiry: Making a Difference in the World

Class Meeting Time: 5:30-8:20pm

What You NeedFind Layla, your Unit Guide 1 feedback


  • Anchor Experiences

  • Work on Unit Guide 2




















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For Next Class
Open Book
To Read
  1. Chapters 1- 5 of The Reading Zone

Doing Homework
To Do
  1. Finish your 3rd Anchor project. Post your project to your portfolio.

  2. Continue working on next unit guide. Focus on the end and the beginning of the unit:

    1. Reexamine your essential question. How can students demonstrate an answer to this question? Design a final project for the unit. Consider:

      1. How can the project connect students to the larger world outside the classroom?​

      2. How can the project allow for student questions and choice?

      3. How can the project be an authentic experience rather than a project that "plays school"? How can it impact others?

      4. How can the project connect to the book without being about the book?

    2. Start thinking about the experiences and skills students will need in order to successfully accomplish the final project. Make a list--but don't worry about developing these ideas into anchors yet. We will talk more about those next week.

    3. Consider the background knowledge and questions students need to explore prior to starting the unit. Develop 3-4 Before We Start experiences to get students thinking about the ideas you will be exploring while reading the book. Create the handouts/instructions for these. ​

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